Emergency Eye Care in Liberty Village & Midtown

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Your First Call for Eye Emergencies

If there’s an urgent risk to your eye health or vision, you could be dealing with an eye emergency. Your vision is one of your most precious resources, so it’s crucial to act fast. 

If you’re dealing with an eye health emergency, give us a call immediately, and we’ll give you instructions from there. 

Common Eye Emergencies 

Eye emergencies have various symptoms. Even if these symptoms don’t seem serious at the start, they could lead to further damage. It’s crucial to visit an optometrist if you’re experiencing the following symptoms: 

  • Full or partial loss of vision 
  • Sudden onset of flashes and floaters 
  • Yellow, green, or white discharge 
  • Excessive swelling 
  • Eye pain 
  • Foreign object sensation 
  • Persistent burning or itching 
  • Persistent discharge or weeping

If you’re experiencing symptoms other than the ones on this list, still give us a call. You know your body best, and it’s important that you listen to it. 

Eye First Aid 

What Should I Do if I Get Chemicals in My Eye?

If your eyes come in contact with any sort of chemical, they need to be cleaned immediately. To do so, flush your eyes with cold, clean water for at least 20 minutes. This process may be uncomfortable initially, but it’s the only way to ensure all the chemicals are out.

Every chemical should be handled with care. Even chemicals as common as household cleaners could permanently damage your eyes.

If there’s an object embedded in your eye, don’t attempt to remove it. Please seek immediate medical attention.

If you have dirt or an eyelash in your eye, you can flush it out with cool, clean water. If flushing it out doesn’t work, try using a clean cotton swab with a bit of clean water to tap the object gently. After trying both of these, it’s time to see a doctor for further help.

Never use tweezers or any other tools on or around your eyes. 


See & Be Seen
Eyecare downtown

  • #136 – 171 East Liberty Street
  • Toronto, ON M6K 3P6

See & Be Seen
Eyecare Midtown
(yonge & eglinton)

  • 2594 Yonge St (previously 2611 Yonge Street)
  • Toronto, ON M4P 2J4

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5 Ways to Use Your Vision Benefits Before They Expire

Eye HealthInsurance Information

Every year, too many people miss out on valuable vision benefits simply because they forget to use them before they expire. It can be easy to overlook these benefits amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, your vision benefits help you avoid unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses and take care of your eye health.  Here […]

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November 12, 2024
Dr. Ritesh Patel

How to Unclog Meibomian Glands?


Living with dry eyes can be an ongoing battle that affects your daily life. The discomfort can disrupt your routine from the moment you wake up to the moment you close your eyes at night. Understanding the underlying causes and exploring effective treatments can make a significant difference.  A leading cause of dry eye is […]

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November 12, 2024
Dr. Ritesh Patel

The Impact of Makeup on Dry Eyes


Makeup is more than just a tool for enhancing your appearance; it’s a form of self-expression and artistry. However, the relationship between beauty and comfort can sometimes be challenging if you have dry eyes. Eye makeup, such as eyeliner and mascara, can worsen dry eye symptoms by clogging the meibomian glands in your eyelids. Understanding […]

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September 18, 2024
Dr. Ritesh Patel
A person shopping for glasses and smiling as they show their friend a pair they're considering.

Every year, too many people miss out on valuable vision benefits simply because they forget to use them before they expire. It can be easy to overlook these benefits amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, your vision benefits help you avoid unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses and take care of your eye health.  Here […]

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A young woman rubbing her eyes as she suffers from a commonly seen eye condition called dry eye.

Living with dry eyes can be an ongoing battle that affects your daily life. The discomfort can disrupt your routine from the moment you wake up to the moment you close your eyes at night. Understanding the underlying causes and exploring effective treatments can make a significant difference.  A leading cause of dry eye is […]

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A bright blue eye decorated with mascara, dark eyeshadow, and silver glitter

Makeup is more than just a tool for enhancing your appearance; it’s a form of self-expression and artistry. However, the relationship between beauty and comfort can sometimes be challenging if you have dry eyes. Eye makeup, such as eyeliner and mascara, can worsen dry eye symptoms by clogging the meibomian glands in your eyelids. Understanding […]

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