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Category: Eye Health

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Best Supplements for Dry Eye

A close-up of a woman with beautiful smile taking omega 3 supplement.

Dry eye disease is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you’re struggling with dry eye disease, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are a variety of effective treatments, including at-home and in-office options.  Changing your lifestyle and incorporating healthy foods rich in vitamins and nutrients may be effective in reducing or alleviating […]

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Causes of Dry Skin Around The Eyes

A woman looking into the mirror and pointing her fingers under her eyes where she has dry skin.

If you feel like the skin under your eyes or around your eyes is drier than usual, you aren’t alone—this is much more common than many think. The skin in these areas is extremely delicate, making it more susceptible to drying out. Common causes of dry skin under the eyes or around the eyes include: Fortunately, dryness around the eyes can be treated […]

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5 Ways to Use Your Vision Benefits Before They Expire

A person shopping for glasses and smiling as they show their friend a pair they're considering.

Every year, too many people miss out on valuable vision benefits simply because they forget to use them before they expire. It can be easy to overlook these benefits amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, your vision benefits help you avoid unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses and take care of your eye health.  Here […]

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Are Eyeglasses for Night Driving Different?

A man driving his car at night wearing a pair of eyeglasses.

Night driving can be more hazardous than daytime driving. Reduced visibility and glare from oncoming headlights and streetlamps can make it difficult to assess road conditions.  To help reduce glare, some individuals may use night driving glasses. They have yellow lens tint, can be bought over the counter, and don’t usually contain a vision prescription. […]

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Best Eye Drops for Allergies

A close-up of a woman applying eye drops in her eye.

Living with allergies can be challenging, especially in managing symptoms that affect your daily life. Allergies that affect your eye health can manifest with itchiness, redness, and irritation.  Eye exams aren’t only for vision correction. They can also assess ocular health and help your eye doctor recommend the appropriate treatment for your needs.  You don’t […]

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