Ortho-K & Specialty Lenses in Liberty Village & Midtown

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Find Comfort in Contacts 

Contact lenses are an opportunity to go through your day with clear vision without having to wear glasses. Unfortunately, many people don’t think they can wear contact lenses, either because they find them uncomfortable or because they’ve been told their eyes are too hard to fit. 

However, contact lenses may still be an option for you. It’s all a matter of finding the right type of lenses. At See & Be Seen Eyecare, we’re excited to offer specialty lenses to provide our patients with a more comfortable fit.


Ortho-K Lenses 

Orthokeratology (ortho-K) is the use of specially designed gas permeable contact lenses to gently reshape the cornea overnight. This allows you to see clearly the next day, ideally without glasses or contact lenses.

Ortho-K lenses are usually prescribed for 2 main reasons:

  • To correct a refractive error, such as myopia (nearsightedness) & hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • To slow the progression of myopia in children

These lenses change the shape of your cornea by using the tears under the lens. The lenses work to flatten the center and steepen the edge to correct nearsightedness or raise the center and round out the edge for farsightedness.

Ortho-K is usually used to temporarily correct myopia, but can be used to correct lesser degrees of hyperopia and astigmatisms. The severity of the refractive error can impact your candidacy for ortho-K lenses. Your optometrist can provide specific guidance and treatment options based on your unique needs.

Ortho-K Lens diagram. From left to right: Overly curved cornea causing short-sightedness, cornea flattens to match the shape of the lens, cornea remains re-shaped with lens removed

Scleral Lenses 

Scleral lenses differ from regular contacts in how they cover the eye. A regular lens will cover the surface of the cornea, whereas a scleral lens extends past the edge of the cornea. This extra coverage helps with comfort and can help control certain eye conditions. 

Scleral lenses are gas permeable contacts that are specially designed to cover your sclera (the white of your eye) to help the eye compensate for an irregular cornea. The space between the lens and the cornea acts as a reservoir to provide comfort for people who struggle with severely dry eyes.  

These lenses are a great option for people who aren’t able to wear regular contact lenses. If you have dry eye or a corneal irregularity, scleral lenses may be a good fit for you.

There are many different types of scleral lenses depending on the size of your eye, the shape of your cornea, and your vision needs. Your optometrist can discuss the different options with you and provide guidance on the best fit for your eyes.

Benefits to Scleral Lenses 

Alleviate Dry Eye Symptoms

If you’ve worn regular contacts in the past, you may have experienced dry eye symptoms while wearing your lenses. Scleral lenses are a great solution to this problem.

Scleral lenses don’t touch the surface of the cornea directly. This allows moisture to stay on the eye, keeping it hydrated throughout the day.

Correct Astigmatism

Just like myopia, astigmatism is a form of refractive error. This error impacts a patient’s vision and cannot always be controlled with a regular contact lens because they rotate.

Scleral lenses are great for astigmatism because they’re stable and won’t rotate.

Improve Keratoconus

If a cornea begins to thin and bulge outwards in the centre, it’s called keratoconus. Because scleral lenses don’t touch the cornea, they’re perfect for correcting corneal abnormalities like keratoconus. The curve of the lens acts like a typical cornea would, focusing the light to a single point on the retina.


See & Be Seen
Eyecare downtown

  • #136 – 171 East Liberty Street
  • Toronto, ON M6K 3P6

See & Be Seen
Eyecare Midtown
(yonge & eglinton)

  • 2594 Yonge St (previously 2611 Yonge Street)
  • Toronto, ON M4P 2J4

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