Dry Eye Products in Liberty Village & Midtown

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See & Be Seen
Eyecare downtown

  • #136 – 171 East Liberty Street
  • Toronto, ON M6K 3P6

See & Be Seen
Eyecare Midtown
(yonge & eglinton)

  • 2594 Yonge St (previously 2611 Yonge Street)
  • Toronto, ON M4P 2J4

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Dry Eyes & Screen Time: How Are They Related

Dry Eye Disease

Screens are an irreplaceable part of our everyday lives. Most people use them for work—they’re everywhere, from cars to billboards. If you’ve ever spent too long at a screen, you’ve likely noticed a dull, sore pain in your eyes called digital eye strain. But what about dryness? While screen time can contribute to dry eyes […]

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February 27, 2025
Dr. Ritesh Patel

Eye-Safe Makeup: Protect Your Eyes with Clean Beauty

Eye Health

Your eyes are one of your body’s most sensitive and essential parts, but they’re often overlooked in the makeup routine. The allure of bold eyeshadows, dramatic liners, and sky-high mascaras can sometimes overshadow the need to protect your eye health.  Eye-safe makeup is a game changer for anyone who loves makeup but doesn’t want to […]

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February 27, 2025
Dr. Ritesh Patel

How Long Does an Eye Stye Last?

Eye HealthStye

Eye discomfort can be debilitating when it comes on suddenly, especially if there’s pain that makes it difficult to focus on anything else. One such issue is styes, a minor bacterial infection, that can cause painful bumps on the eyelids.  Fortunately, styes typically only last for 1 week and will go away on their own, […]

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January 29, 2025
Dr. Ritesh Patel
A young adult at work in an office, taking off their glasses and rubbing their eyes at their screen due to dry eyes.

Screens are an irreplaceable part of our everyday lives. Most people use them for work—they’re everywhere, from cars to billboards. If you’ve ever spent too long at a screen, you’ve likely noticed a dull, sore pain in your eyes called digital eye strain. But what about dryness? While screen time can contribute to dry eyes […]

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A black eyeshadow brush applied brown eyeshadow to a person's closed eyelid in an extreme close-up.

Your eyes are one of your body’s most sensitive and essential parts, but they’re often overlooked in the makeup routine. The allure of bold eyeshadows, dramatic liners, and sky-high mascaras can sometimes overshadow the need to protect your eye health.  Eye-safe makeup is a game changer for anyone who loves makeup but doesn’t want to […]

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Closeup of a person’s brown eyes, with a red and irritated stye on the lower eyelid of their right eye

Eye discomfort can be debilitating when it comes on suddenly, especially if there’s pain that makes it difficult to focus on anything else. One such issue is styes, a minor bacterial infection, that can cause painful bumps on the eyelids.  Fortunately, styes typically only last for 1 week and will go away on their own, […]

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