Dry eye disease is a common eye condition that can leave your eyes feeling dry, irritated, and sensitive. Unfortunately, roughly 22% of Ontarians have reported experiencing dry eye symptoms at some point in their lives. If you’re one of the many Ontarians that have felt the effects of dry eye disease, you’ve probably looked into […]
What Happens if Blepharitis Is Left Untreated?
If you have irritated, swollen, or red eyelids, you may be suffering from a common eye disorder related to dry eye disease called Blepharitis. Although Blepharitis is a chronic condition, many treatments are available to help you manage the symptoms and side effects. Even though Blepharitis can be treated and managed with the help of […]
How Long Does IPL Dry Eye Treatment Last?
Are you tired of having irritated, dry eyes? Have you tried other dry eye treatments without any luck? Fortunately, some procedures can help relieve the symptoms associated with dry eye. Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment is a treatment for dry eye that your optometrist can perform. It uses light therapy to target the root causes […]
Back to School… Back to a Little Normalcy
Well last year was another weird school year! The time to go back is just around the corner. This year both parents and students need a well-deserved change of scenery. Parents will have less bodies to watch, kids can be kids again, and post-education students can have a beer after a long day of lectures […]
Ontario’s Eye Care System Needs Your Support
Recently, you may have seen the news about optometrists in Ontario and wondered how this impacts you and your family. Here at See & Be Seen Eyecare, the health of your eyes is our number one priority. We want you to know we have a plan to protect access to quality eye care, and we […]
13 At-Home Treatments for Dry Eye
Dry eye disease is a common eye condition that affects about 30% of Canadians. When the symptoms appear, they can cause irritation—not just in your eyes but your mental state, too, if it’s not treated correctly. When you notice severe symptoms, we encourage you to see your optometrist, so they can guide you to the […]
What is Blepharitis? [Causes, Treatment, & More]
We all know developing proper hygiene habits like brushing our teeth and showering regularly are important to staying healthy, but what about the hygiene of our eyes? If you’ve been dealing with dry eyes, there is a possibility you could have also developed blepharitis. Blepharitis is very common and can be treated with the proper […]
What Happens With Too Much UV
Patio season is finally here! We can’t wait to drink out of absurdly large buckets or fish bowls while soaking up the sun. But don’t forget that the sun also has a dark side. Too much exposure to UV rays can have serious and damaging effects on the eye. WHAT HAPPENS WITH TOO MUCH UV? […]
What to Expect from LipiFlow Dry Eye Treatment
Far too many people accept the irritation and frustration that comes with dry eyes. Many are quick to look for a short-term solution, such as using eye drops or not wearing their contacts. There is no longer a reason to have to settle for these short-lasting solutions. LipiFlow dry eye treatment is an innovative technique […]
What Are the Best Contact Lenses for Dry Eye?
Dry eyes are something many people experience, and not just because of contact lenses. Unfortunately, if you have sensitive eyes, wearing contact lenses may make the problem worse. While the causes are usually not major concerns, it is a good idea to speak to an eye doctor to ensure that there are no major underlying […]